Order Splitting and Split Order Count

1 min. readlast update: 12.26.2024

Split Order is available now. If the computed slave's trade size is bigger than the maximum lot size authorized by the broker, the order cap will be split in few orders to execute the whole size in several orders.
This setting will split the initial order in a maximum of 10 orders.


Split Order Count divides the initial slave order size by the specified value before applying any checks on symbol, such as minimum size, maximum size, rounding, step, or order filtering.

For example:
If "Split Order Count" = 4 and the computed slave order size is 0.01 and the symbol minimum trading size is also 0.01, it sends 4 x 0.01(division occurs, then rounding).

If the order size is 0.12, it sends 4 x 0.03.

This ensures the original order is split evenly into smaller parts for processing.
This setting will split the initial order in a maximum of 10 orders.

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